Are you upset with the fact that your website is not fetching you the desired return on investment? It is the time when you need to rework on your site again. A website is the most significant source to communicate your business strategies to the target audience. Higher the appeal of your website, higher the chances of views. Let us have a look on top 10 signs indicating your website isn’t effective.
1. Less Amount Of Time Spent on Website
Getting the viewers on your website for the first time is a daunting task. But making them stay for a prolonged time is more challenging. There could be many reasons why a viewer is not staying for a longer time on your website. Either he is finding it difficult to navigate, or he is not interested in what you are selling. Web redesign will enable you to uncomplicate the sophisticated design and make it smooth for the viewers to explore.
2. Useful Websites Crafted By Your Counterparts
It could be another significant reason why your website has suddenly become ineffective. The viewers are more interested in visiting those websites where it is easier for them to get on with what they want in no time. Moreover, the latest trends, contemporary designs and a new look also entrap the viewers. They would prefer visiting sites that are more appealing to visualize.
3. Update Information On Your Current Products
Have you not yet updated your website with new products? The visitors are on a lookout for new products and services that are in trend and keep on changing with time. Your site must communicate the pros and uses of your products and services for viewers to get excited. Attractive copy attracts the viewers.
4. Replace Obsolete Information with New Text
Over and over again, repeatedly coming across the same text develops a sinking feeling in the viewer. He tends to lose interest. It is essential to remove the obsolete information and instead add a provocative copy to provoke viewers to visit the site. This is why we always recommend a blog or a news section to a website. Keeping things fresh really impresses both the search engines and your audience.
5. High Traffic, Low Sales
The viewers are coming to your website. However, not able to locate the products or services they are interested in. Is it because of the convoluted design? Well, your site needs a redesign urgently. Don’t let your customers be lost to the competitors who are selling the same products that you are. Get your site redesigned by adding simple features that enable the visitors to go through easily. Redesign every two years!
6. Your Website Is Not Mobile Friendly
Nowadays, smartphones are more in use than laptops and computers. No one has the time to sit and check out information on laptops when they have more effective ways of doing it through phones. If your website is not mobile friendly, there are high chances for you to lose many genuine clients. Redesign your site and make it more useful on mobiles. Remember more then half of your traffic is mobile.
7. Loading Takes Forever
Don’t you get irritated when you try to download a product, but it takes a lifetime to load? Similar is the case with viewers also. They want to speedily go through the pages of the website and choose the best thing for themselves. However, if the pages take more than the expected time, they will probably leave the site in between and move out.
8. Outmoded Design
Is your design outdated? Apart from the appealing copy, the viewers also visualize the captivating designs reflecting your company. Dull and outmoded designs restrict them from visiting the site and exploring your services. So wake up and hire a professional website designer who can bring glamor to your site keeping all the information intact.
9. SEO Optimization Not Up To The Mark
Does your website appear in the top Google ranks? Are your keywords well aligned with the customer research strategies? The reason why your website is not that effective could be related to non-effective keywords that are not getting the customers to your site. Enhance your keyword strategy and make your site competent. Contact us for a free consultation.
10. Ineffective Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing includes social media marketing, Google AdWords, SEO marketing, PPC, etc. If the marketing strategies are not carried out correctly, it will not fetch anything to your website. Hence, to have a useful site, you must do a robust digital promotion.
The pointers mentioned above indicate the ineffectiveness of your website. What are you waiting for now? Get up and get going! The significance of your business lies in the effectiveness of your website.
August 10, 2018