

Try to tweet things that will get retweeted. Specifically avoid tweeting things that won’t get retweeted.
When you’re going to tweet something, look at it from the perspective of one of your followers — would you like that tweet and want to retweet it?

Do a lot more non-sales tweets. Maybe do a 2:1 ratio of non-product tweets to sales tweets.
You want to get your followers into a habit of liking your tweets and engaging with them; funny non-sales tweets will do this. Informative non-sales tweets will do this as well.

Create a Twitter list with some accounts in your market that get tons of engagement. Find twitter accounts that use posts that you would like to read or you might want to engage in and emulate them. What we mean by engage is commenting, liking, sharing, or otherwise posting it on other media outlets. You can always bookmark this list and keep it in mind for when you need ideas. You will be able to visit the URL at any time for ideas. For example I use,

Begin sentences with capital letters and use consistent punctuation. Avoid capitalizing every letter in a sentence — for example, I’d change “April 2013 Trends on Web Design That You’ll Love” to “April 2013 trends on Web Design that you’ll love”.

Avoid too many hashtags; generally limit tweets to one or two.
You’ll need to know your niche market for a particular product if you want hashtags to help you get discovered through search.
I’d try putting “#WebDesign #April2013” on anything and everything relating to the April 2013 Web Design items. It’s both searchable and makes it obvious what your intention is even at a glance.

April 26, 2013

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